Play Golf 15
This is a new 3 month program that will get you on the course! The Get Ready Golf/Golf for Women programs introduce you to the game and then the idea is to start playing, well I realize more is needed to make that happen and this program is a big next step towards that effort.
A combination of clinics and private lessons on the range, plus on course group instruction, followed by instructional league play. The goal is to get comfortable being on the course and learn how to progress effectively enough where shooting around 15 for 3 holes is doable.
Each clinic lesson is capped at 5 people per sessions and minimum of 2 people. Class time for 3 or more is an hour and a half long. Classes of 2 people will be an hour. Classes will be offered 3 days a week, more if needed will be added. There will be weekday evening, weekday, and weekend offerings.
To keep this affordable for each individual you will have options to purchase by level of participation that suits your needs. So here is the list of possibilities:
- Level 1: 4 clinic lessons a month 3 range 1 course per month cost $150 paid monthly or 2 or more months at $125 per paid in a lump sum
- Level 2: 4 clinic lesson a month 2 range 2 course, plus 2- 45 minutes private lessons per month Cost $225 paid monthly or 2 or more months at $200 per paid in a lump sum
- Level 3: 6 clinic lessons a month 4 range 2 course, plus 4-45 minute private lessons per month Cost $325 paid monthly or 2 or more months at $300 per paid in a lump sum
- Monthly club rental $50
- Custom fit Starter set $325 and up